Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Assignment 7

David Hockney:

David Hockney was born on July 9, 1937, in Bradford, England.In 1953, Hockney enrolled in the College of Art and began painting with oils. Hockney learned that painting was a process of seeing and thinking, instead of imitation. His artwork was abstract and quite personal. In 1961 he traveled to New York City and paid for it by selling paintings. Early on in Hockney's career, his artwork was poetic and tended to tell stories. He even wrote poetic ramblings on many of his paintings as well. In New York, Hockney befriended Andy Warhol. In the nineties, Hockney continued to experiment with rising technologies. He used a color laser copier in some of his works and reproduced some of his paintings.

My Photo

Friday, November 14, 2008

Assignment 6

Double Images:
Jerry Uelsmann:

Jerry N. Uelsmann was an American photography who is most known for producing images with double negatives. Most of his pictures were done in black and white. His goal was to produce images which where surreal and very unusual. He created his works by using the darkroom, which were extensive times, sometimes using three to ten enlargers to produce the effect he wanted.

Maggie Taylor:
Maggie Taylor was born in 1961 in Cleveland, Ohio. She is an artist who works with digital images. She won the Santa Fe Center for Photography's Project Competition in 2004. Her work is exhibited in the United States and Europe and is represented within the permanent collections of several galleries and museums.[3] She is the fifth wife of American photographer, Jerry Uelsmann.

She produces prints by scanning objects into a computer then layering and manipulating these images using Adobe Photoshop into a surrealistic montage.

link to photos

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Assignment 4- Motion

My Friend On her Horse

For all the pictures with a sharp image I used the sports mode on my camera. With this mode it resulted in clear pictures, this is because there was a higher shutter speed.

My Sister on Merry Go Round.

The Merry Go Round picture is one of my favorite pictures because it shows motion really well. I like how the image is blurry which shows it is going really fast.
For the pictures with a blurred image I used a slow shutter speed to take the pictures. The blurrier the photos the lower the shutter speed I used.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Assignment 3

"Transform 4"
For this image I increased the shawdow. I put the soft focus light on where the light bulb is. I also sharpened up the image. I wanted to add a warming effect.

"Transform 3"
For this image I increased the shadow and saltration. I added differnt cold colours.

"Transform 2"
For this image I added the effect of granulated tint. I decreased the shadow, fill lights and the highlight. I added different colours to different places on the image. I like this image this best. I like it beacasue of the different colours. I find this image looks like a drawing.

For this image I added the glow effect to it. I decreased the fill lights, highlights and shadows. I add saltration and changed the colour of the image. I also sharpened up the image.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Lee Freidlander

Central Park, 1992
Washington, DC, 1999

Lee Friedlander (1934-present) is an American photographer who got started in photography when he was 14 years old. His pictures are mainly of street images, flowers, trees, gardens, landscapes, nudes, the industrial environment, portraits, self-portraits. His photographs are very unique. He to take pictures that portray the everyday life. The camera that he used was a Leica 35mm with black and white film, but now he primarily uses medium format cameras. He has his own distinct style are pictures that have a meaning to them. A lot of his pictures include the shadows of the images, he even uses his own shadow. Friedlander has a series of many self portraits.

Edward Weston

"Shell" 1927

"Nude" 1936
Edward Weston, (1886-1958), was a famous photographer during the 1900’s. He was renowned as one of the masters of 20th century photography. He was 16 years old when received his first camera which was given to him by his father. The camera was a Kodak Bulls-Eye # 2. His earlier work included taking pictures in Chicago parks, where he was raised, and pictures of aunt’s farm. In 1927, Weston’s focus of photography took a turn. He concentrated on taking photographs of seashells, vegetables, plants, landscapes and the nude. He became known as the “pioneer of precise and sharp presentation”. Weston’s photographs were in black and white. His pictures were taken in natural lighting and he only produced some coloured photographs while working with Willard Van Dyke in 1947. Weston attain sharpness in his images by never enlarging,cropping or retouching the photographs.

Assignment 2


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Assignment 1

-What kind of camera do you use? A Nikon CoolPix S210
-What is the resolution? (ie. 4megapixels) 6.0
-What kind of media storage does it have? 1GB
-How do you download images to the computer? I plug in the USB to the camera and also to the computer. I turn the camera on and trasfer my photos to picasa
-What is the name of the cord connecting the camera to the computer? The cord name is USB
-How many low res images can you store on your disk? 1500 pictures
-How many high res images can you store on your disk? 250 pictures
-What kind of image (file format) is stored on disk? JPEG
-Do you have a camera manual? Have you read it? Yes I have a camera manual and I have read some of it.

link to photos

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

first post

hi my name is Lindsay.