Friday, September 19, 2008

Edward Weston

"Shell" 1927

"Nude" 1936
Edward Weston, (1886-1958), was a famous photographer during the 1900’s. He was renowned as one of the masters of 20th century photography. He was 16 years old when received his first camera which was given to him by his father. The camera was a Kodak Bulls-Eye # 2. His earlier work included taking pictures in Chicago parks, where he was raised, and pictures of aunt’s farm. In 1927, Weston’s focus of photography took a turn. He concentrated on taking photographs of seashells, vegetables, plants, landscapes and the nude. He became known as the “pioneer of precise and sharp presentation”. Weston’s photographs were in black and white. His pictures were taken in natural lighting and he only produced some coloured photographs while working with Willard Van Dyke in 1947. Weston attain sharpness in his images by never enlarging,cropping or retouching the photographs.