Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Assignment 7

David Hockney:

David Hockney was born on July 9, 1937, in Bradford, England.In 1953, Hockney enrolled in the College of Art and began painting with oils. Hockney learned that painting was a process of seeing and thinking, instead of imitation. His artwork was abstract and quite personal. In 1961 he traveled to New York City and paid for it by selling paintings. Early on in Hockney's career, his artwork was poetic and tended to tell stories. He even wrote poetic ramblings on many of his paintings as well. In New York, Hockney befriended Andy Warhol. In the nineties, Hockney continued to experiment with rising technologies. He used a color laser copier in some of his works and reproduced some of his paintings.

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