Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Assignment 1

-What kind of camera do you use? A Nikon CoolPix S210
-What is the resolution? (ie. 4megapixels) 6.0
-What kind of media storage does it have? 1GB
-How do you download images to the computer? I plug in the USB to the camera and also to the computer. I turn the camera on and trasfer my photos to picasa
-What is the name of the cord connecting the camera to the computer? The cord name is USB
-How many low res images can you store on your disk? 1500 pictures
-How many high res images can you store on your disk? 250 pictures
-What kind of image (file format) is stored on disk? JPEG
-Do you have a camera manual? Have you read it? Yes I have a camera manual and I have read some of it.

link to photos