Friday, September 26, 2008

Assignment 3

"Transform 4"
For this image I increased the shawdow. I put the soft focus light on where the light bulb is. I also sharpened up the image. I wanted to add a warming effect.

"Transform 3"
For this image I increased the shadow and saltration. I added differnt cold colours.

"Transform 2"
For this image I added the effect of granulated tint. I decreased the shadow, fill lights and the highlight. I added different colours to different places on the image. I like this image this best. I like it beacasue of the different colours. I find this image looks like a drawing.

For this image I added the glow effect to it. I decreased the fill lights, highlights and shadows. I add saltration and changed the colour of the image. I also sharpened up the image.
